Saturday, September 10, 2016

Work at home: The pros and cons

Longer sleep instead of waiting in traffic and the suit against the robe trade: At first glance, the home office, so working from home, a wonderful alternative to the everyday job at office. And indeed, it is becoming increasingly popular: In Switzerland every year is even a national home office celebrated on the tenth May Day.

But in Germany, more and more employers offer this possibility - especially in the IT industry. Possible reasons: More flexible working hours and cloud computing, which makes it possible to access from anywhere to important data back. Also: The main tools of IT professionals, computer and internet, can be found in every home.

But before you apply for a job that offers the possibility of home office, you should be aware of the pros and cons.


Flexibility: Those who work at home, can his daily routine structure more independent than colleagues in the office. You must perceive a doctor's appointment or to pick up your child from school? All this is not a problem as long as you meet your training loads and meet your deadlines. Would you work in an office with compulsory attendance, you would have to take time off for these small errands.

Time savings: Three steps to the desktop instead of thirty minutes in the car - the lack Getting to and save you time. Depending on how far your previous work was removed, thereby gaining a lot of quality of life.

Lower costs: No Driving means less fuel costs - you can even consider whether you actually still need your car. In addition, factors fall away as expensive clothing business, if you work at home. Another saving that is often underestimated: instead of expensive every day to go out to eat, you can cook your own food. This is cheaper and often healthier.


Stress in the City: Anyone who works in an office, a stressful day can already be by the better spatial distance behind. But if the work is in the living room, the job is always present. For some employers, this means blurring of private and professional area considerable stress.

Less motivation: At home there are no colleagues who make a print, and there is usually no competitive behavior. On the one hand, this is very pleasant - on the other hand need many workers but that these factors in order to stay motivated.

Deflection: In your apartment you will not be distracted by colleagues. However, friends could come up with the idea to visit - you are finally home! In addition, the four walls provide wonderful opportunities to keep from working, if you do not like. Rinse, shop, hang laundry - all these errands you suddenly come uncommonly important. The TV and the vastness of the Internet do the rest. Who wants to work from home, so you have to be very disciplined.

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